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1. Jin Jiang, Lina Nie, Guanqiao Huang, Shengwen Dong, Xiangping Chen. A Multi-Valve Protection from Water Hammer in Long-Distance Pipelines. International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy & Environment(ICMREE),2011.
2. Jin Jiang , Zhihuai Xiao , Guoyu Zhang, Xiaohong Weng, Shengwen Dong. Aerodynamic Numerical Simulation and Performance Prediction of Wind Turbine Rotor. International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy & Environment(ICMREE),2011.
3. Jin Jiang, Shengwen Dong, Xiangping Chen, Lina Nie, Guanqiao Huang. Protection with air-inlet-and-outlet valve from column separation in pumping system. International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy & Environment(ICMREE),2011.
4.龙新平, 王丰景, 俞志君. 喷射泵内部流动模拟与其扩散角优化. 核动力工程, 2011(01): p. 53-57+69.
5. 钱忠东, 胡晓清,槐文信,薛万云. 基于欧拉模型的淹没射流冲刷数值模拟,中国科学 E辑,2011,Vol.41(4):419-425.
6. 钱忠东,王焱, 郑彪, 刘德祥. 可调导叶式轴流泵水力特性数值模拟,水力发电学报,2011,Vol.30(2):123-127.(EI)
7. HUAI Wen-xin, WU Zhen-lei, QIAN Zhong-dong, GENG Chuan. Large eddy simulation of open channel flows with non-submerged vegetation. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2011,23(2):258-264.(SCI,EI)
8. Ben-Wen Li, Yu-Rong Zhao, Yang Yu and Zhong-Dong Qian. Three-dimensional transient Navier–Stokes solvers in cylindrical coordinate system based on a spectral collocation method using explicit treatment of the pressure,Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 2011 ,66(3):284-298.(SCI,EI)
9. HUAI WenXin, WANG ZengWu, QIAN ZhongDong, HAN YaQiong. Numerical simulation of sandy bed erosion by 2D vertical jet, Science in China Series E:Technological and Science,2011, Vol.54(12): 3265–3274. (SCI,EI)
11.Liu, Mei-Qing,Li, Qiu-Wei,Bai, Yao-Hua,Liu, Zhi-Yong,He, Pei-Jie,Efficiency and Pressure Pulsation Analysis of a Double Suction Centrifugal Pump with Different Arrangement Impellers,International Conference on Materials Science and Information Technology (MSIT 2011),709-715,Singapore, SINGAPORE,2011.9.16-2011.9.18。
13.林琦,刘志勇,刘梅清,李秋玮. 长管道输水系统停泵水力过渡过程分析与防护,中国农村水利水电,2011,(2):139-141
15.Xiao Zhihuai, Jiang Jin, Zhang Guoyu, Weng Xiaohong, Dong Shengwen. Aerodynamic numerical simulation and performance prediction of wind turbine rotor, ICMREE2011 - Proceedings 2011 International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy and Environment, EI:20113014174591, 2011, Page(s): 616-620. Vol.1
16.Xiao Zhihuai, Cao Yu,Ren Wenfeng,Xie Jin,Zhu Jinmu.Design and application on optimal calculation for time period's distributing in pumping station. 2nd International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, MACE 2011 - Proceedings, EI: 20114314453941,2011, Page(s): 3978-3980.
17.卢娜, 肖志怀, 蔡天富, 张轶雯,朱劲木. 基于可调式射流泵的技术供水自动控制系统。水电自动化与大坝监测,2011,35(1).