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讲座通知:Development of High-Performance Zinc-Air Batteries

时间 :2019-06-22 09:56  编辑:   点击数:

报告题目:Development of High-Performance Zinc-Air Batteries

主讲人:Yun Zong
时间:2019625 上午9:00

 As the most competitive product in market, Li-ion batteries are facing challenges in large volume applications, e.g.grid storage, with high cost and safety being the major concerns. Zn-air battery using earth-abundant and easily-recyclable zinc as anode, aqueous electrolyte and oxygen from air as the cathode material, offers much improved safety at affordable cost and is hence considered as a highly promising alternative. Nevertheless, the electrically rechargeable zinc-air batteries are still underdeveloped despite the commercial success of their primary counterparts in hear aids and other medical devices. Some technical hurdles preventing the fast translation of electrically rechargeable zinc-air batteries include unsatisfactory round-trip energy efficiency, insufficient power output as well as the cycle life. In this talk I will share our journey of research to tackling these issues, including various bifunctional catalysts development to lower the over-potential and smoothen the electrochemical reactions in the discharge/charge process,1 and exploitation of neutral electrolyte which is less vulnerable to the carbonation under the ambient air conditions for longevity of the battery.2 Towards the end I will present a robust hybrid zinc-battery which delivers higher voltage and high capacity with an ultra-long cycle life, and some highly durable flexible batteries.3
(a) B. Li et al., Nanoscale 2015, 7, 1830-1838; (b) B. Li et al., Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 8841-8844; (c) B. Li et al.,Nanoscale 2016, 8, 5067-5075; (d) Z.J. Wang et al., Small 2016, 12, 2580-2587; (e) X.M. Ge et al., ACS Catal. 2016, 6, 7865-7871.
(a) F.W.T. Goh et al., J. Electrochem. Soc. 2014, 161, A2080-A2086; (b) A. Sumboja et al., J. Power Sources 2016,332, 330-336.
(a) B. Li et al., Nano Lett. 2016, 17, 156-163; (b) A. Sumboja et al., Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, 7, 1700927.

 Yun is a Senior Scientist in the Electronic Materials Department at Institute of Materials Research and Engineering under Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore and also a Managing Editor of Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials (World Scientific Publishing). He received his B. Sc. & M. Sc. from the Chemistry Department at Wuhan University, and completed his PhD at Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research and University of Mainz, Germany. He has been in various management posts and committees to help drive research and innovation, develop industry and enterprise, optimize resources, and nurture talents. Yun published over a hundred research papers primarily in energy conversion and storage, and is a lead inventor in a number of patents across research fields. In service, he was a founding member of A*STAR Chemistry Club, Technical Advisor of Int-Mat Technologies Pte Ltd., Programme Manager of Advanced Energy Storage TSRP at Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC), Vice President of Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (SNIC), Editorial Board Member ofTranslational Materials Research under IOP Publishing, United Kingdom, and Adjunct Associate Professor at Chemistry Department of National University of Singapore. He co-led the organising committees of 10+ international conferences, represented by The 15th Asian Chemical Congress (15ACC), The 41st International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC-41) and The 11th International Symposium for Chinese Inorganic Chemists (ISCIC-11). His current research mainly focuses on the development of new materials for advanced batteries. On Dec. 21 of 2017, Yun was named a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC London). On Mar. 29 of 2019, he was elected a Fellow of Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (FSNIC, Singapore).