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学术报告:Advanced Functional Nanoporous Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications

时间 :2019-11-13 16:13  编辑:   点击数:

主讲人:Ajayan Vinu教授

时 间:2019年11月14日上午10:30

地 点:动力系会议室(B9415)

Mesoporous materials have been receiving a lot of attention owing to their excellent textural parameters including high specific surface area, large pore volume and uniform pore size distribution. These properties make them available for various applications including energy storage and conversion, adsorption, separation, catalysis, sensing and drug delivery. This talk will present the preparation, structural and morphological control, and the functionalization of highly ordered and graphitic carbon nitride materials with tunable nitrogen contents, and the fabrication of various nanoporous films including carbons, nitrides, semiconducting nanostructures, and biomolecules with tunable macroporosity, thickness, and morphology.

Prof. Vinu is currently working as a Global Innovation Chair Professor and Director of Global Innovative Center for Advanced Nanomaterials at the University of Newcastle. His contribution in the field of nanoporous materials is reflected by his international ranking by Science Watch as one of the top 15 researchers in the field and has led to ca. 380 papers in high impact factor journals with ca. 18,300 citations and a H-index of 72.